It's the Lease You Can Do! TRLS | Texas Residential Leasing Specialist

The Texas Residential Leasing Specialist (TRLS) Certification gives you the education and skill set to be in the know with how to provide real estate services that meet the needs of this market and win future referrals.


Course 1

  The Essentials of
Residential Leasing

Thursday, October 25th | 9:00am - 12:00pm

This course is one of four courses required to obtain the Texas Residential Leasing Specialist Certification. Join this 3 hour CE course to gain an in-depth understanding of the core competencies needed when functioning as a property manager or leasing agent.
  • Analyze and interpret factors impacting local rents
  • Define owner objectives
  • Discuss development of effective owner communications
  • Properly complete and present the TAR Residential Lease application

$50 Members &  Non-Members

Training Rm 2 - 2nd Floor MetroTex Dallas Office, 8201 N. Stemmons Frwy., Dallas, TX, 75247


CE: 3 Hrs
30980 TREC Provider #0001


Course 2

  Texas Association of REALTORS® Residential
Lease Agreement

Thursday, October 25th | 1:00pm - 4:00pm

This course is one of four courses required to obtain the Texas Residential Leasing Specialist Certification. Join this 3 hour CE course to learn the relevance of various Texas Association of REALTORS® (TAR) lease forms, along with other leasing and property management issues.
Attendees will take an in-depth look at the Residential Lease Agreement and selected addenda to develop competency in preparing each paragraph of the agreement.
$50 Members &  Non-Members

Training Rm 2 - 2nd Floor MetroTex Dallas Office, 8201 N. Stemmons Frwy., Dallas, TX, 75247

  CE: 3 Hrs
30982 TREC Provider #0001


TRLS Certification requires completion of four 3-hour leasing education courses:

Course 1: The Essentials of Residential Leasing
Oct 25 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 3 CE TREC #30980


Course 2: The TAR Residential Leasing Agreement
Oct 25 | 1:00pm-4:00pm | 3 CE TREC #30982


Course 3: Agency Issues Impacting Property Managers & Leasing Agents
Oct 26 | 9:00am-12:00pm | 3 CE TREC #30979


Course 4: Marketing & Leasing Residential Properties
Oct 26 | 1:00pm-4:00pm | 3 CE TREC #30981


You must be a member of the Texas Association of REALTORS® to earn the TRLS Certification.


Danny Hardeman TRPM, TRLS, Blue Crown Properties, Dallas - Ft.Worth Danny has been involved in the residential rental industry since 1983. He received his real estate salesperson’s license in 2002 and Broker license in 2004. He began acquiring his own investment properties and currently owns several investment rental properties. Blue Crown Properties now professionally manages over 150 properties across Dallas-Fort Worth and Austin for property owners all across the globe. At the state level, he is one of only 33 statewide appointed Brokers sitting on the TAR Property Management Committee.